Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Design: CD Case Final

This is the final artwork including the types and little special effect, not much different from before.

Design: CD Case

This is another CD design for another class. This time, we get to choose any band we want and the band I chose was Thrice and illustrated the album "The Artist In The Ambulance".

Monday, November 10, 2008


This is an assignment writing a story of our own with a certain picture the teacher provided and then illustrate a partial of the story without including the main character but still communicates the idea behind it.

Well, this is actually an edit on this post. I have another version where I made the contrast on the face better so it stands out more. But for some reason, I'm having trouble with the scanner to get the image properly scanned with its whole picture, so I have posted two. The actually image has more breathing space on both, top and bottom side of the composition, it is not crop like what you see on the picture.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Lord of the Flies

This is a book cover assignment for "Lord of the Flies", which I'm sure the novel is familiar with everyone.

Sunday, November 2, 2008


This snowboard company "Nitro" is an actual existing brand, but the logo, the font, and the slogans are created by me. These are not there actual existing brand identity.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Converse Advertisement

This is an assignment that literally drove me crazy. There was so much freedom to this project that I didn't know where to begin. We were suppose to design an advertisement for Converse and we are not allow to use any texts, logos, and shoes. Anything that will define Converse easily is not allow.

Friendly Reminder to Self

This post is nothing special but just a friendly reminder to myself about a phrase I came up with. It's something I'm going to illustrate once I get the free time to do so. "White hair is not aging, but achievements".

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

CD Cover

Ahuh...second year, what a year. Nothing beats the good old beat down of your artwork to improve yourself, it truly makes you see in another perspective. It makes you better than you are; nice to hear the most honest opinion about an artwork. Anyway, this was an assignment to design a CD cover for a band that we dislike, and I chose My Chemical Romance.

Friday, October 10, 2008

All the five works below are from first year. Yeah, my first year was kinda useless for illustrators, we were mostly taught by graphic designers and our assignments did not involve much illustrations. There is a few that I didn't post because they were destroy in an water accident. Anyhow, I was just okay with them because those one I couldn't really let me imagination flow, it was restricted pretty much to what the sheet says. All of them were group work and I was in charge of doing the illustration because I was the only illustrator in the group. There were just house design, interior design, guitar design, and an advertisement for a guitar company. Unfortunately it was all from my first year, my mentality and solving the illustration problem were still quite literal, or else I could have really play a lot for the advertisement. Anyway, this is the end of first year's work posting, from the rest above would be second year, and hopefully I can see my growth and improvement.

Perfume Box

This assignment was to design a girl's perfume box called "White Lie". I was trying to find an octagon template but I couldn't find any so I had to stick with the pentagon.

Book Cover

This is a book cover for a title the teacher made up, "Die My Lovely" was the name, it is suppose to be a mystery novel. This was the best picture I can take throughout my attempt. It's hard to see some of the detail of the bear's fluffy stuff and the girl's hoodie because of the light I was using. But soon, I will be getting a scanner, hopefully that would change some of the problem.


This was a project to spread the word of "sustainability".

Four Panel Image

This was an assignment from first year to illustrate a story that has only four panel. It can be any story you want to illustrate, but it has to tell something in four panels only. And mine is pretty obvious of what the story is, but I change the setting of the time and the girl's actual clothes. Just to see if anyone would recognize the story without me being obvious of what the story is.

Crocodile Toothache

This was an assignment I received during first year to illustrate a poem called "Crocodile Toothache". This image is not scan, so some of its lighting is off because of the light, but there's not much difference from the actual one either.

First Post

Hi, to whomever is reading this. This is my first blog entry and it feels very weird. I'm basically typing for an audience that is yet to exist, and I'm not writing to anyone particularly, but to talk in general. It feels like I'm talking to myself, but soon there would actually be people who would pay attention to someone who is talking to themselves...well, someday.